Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Unit 4 assignment 1

I would definetly not go. im not to big on adventure anyway. I think i would just stay on ground on earth. of coarse i might discover alot of new things. even become famous, but i might also run into creatures you never know. I might get stuck up there or worse never make it and loose connection. There might be something deadly up there that could instantly kill me so no i would not go.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Unit 3 assign 5

Printing Press

the printing press had a huge impact on the renaissance society. Number one it made the books way more cheaper which made it easier for people to learn to read. It increased knowledge by making it way more aforradable for everybody especially for the ones who was less fortunate. Also by them selling cheaper made more and more people buy them which meant more money.People didn't have to wait forever to get a book because the speed was even more better apose to having people write it out. By having a printing press people could found out more of what was happening in the world then by little newsletters or something. Children could even have schooling and it would be such an faster method that way they wouldn't have to grow up not knowing much of anything.

A modern day invention that helped our society knowledge spread was the internet the quickest way to find out iformation . the internet uses email which is a quicker way to keep in contact and to find out what going on. Sites like the news channels keep you up todate. Also sites like rossetta stone helps you learns new languages faster then ever. The internet hepls out so many even with getting jobs. the internet has been a big help to modern day society and a big help with our knowledge with one click of the mouse and millions of facts and resources pop up helping out with school projects and etc.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Unit 3 Assignment 1 Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem is very common and could be agreed with or diagreed with. I myself agree and diagree with it depending on the situation.For example soneone saying there going to try everything once because tomorrow they might be dead thinking that they might have missed out. I diagree with that because missing out may be good for you it avoids over doses and humiliation foremost and theres no guarantee that the things you'll try wont effect if you go to heaven or not when you do die. Another example is saying your going to stand up for what's right and stop holding all in because tomorrow may not come. That i agree with reason being is because it's always good to get stuff off your chest because holding it in is just going to eat at you. Plus whatever you might be holding in could make a big change and if you were to die your words your thoughts would have been for nothing, because they would have been missed out on.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Assignment 6 Impressions of local religious centers

The first building we visted which was the islam mosque . I think visting this place was a good experience that i pass up. I've gotten full explainations of things i was curious about . Like why do muslim women cover themselves , it's basically an easy understanding it's being modest covering up to them prevents alot of bad things happening to there females. For example rape like the instructor said males looking at others males wifes.(LOL) And i've come to find out there very agreeable with most christians but all Regions that believe in christianity all believe in treating one another with respect. The instructor was also good at answering my questions and was a good host.

The second building we went to was the relgion of Judaism which was also an experience.My auestions there to do fully answered. My question was why was the circumcision of baby boy done in a group as opposed to it being done in a hospital. What he said was some where done in the hostipal because most doctors didnt want to come to the family house they'd rather do it where they had all their supplies and nurses. Also i found out that their circumcisions was done eight days after the birth not on the same day as which my religion would do. Also they have a celebration afterwards which is also fascinating. My other question was answered fairly it was pertaining to the wearing of the yarmulke's. It was said that it was to separate man from good which was done out of respect to God.


Last but not least the catholic church which was well what i expected. I didn't get to act my questions and get the proper answer but on my own i discovered new info. Like when they baptize they dont dip the full body its only the head that is dipped which is so fascinating to me. Another things was by the entrance they had little like metal bowl looking things that held the holy water. I was guessing so that they could cleanse themselves before entering. but no it like a reminder of them getting baptized and what they went thru hopefull y i stated that correctly. All of these visits it was good to learn about other relgions other than mine and to find out that they had similar characteristics like my church.