Printing Press
the printing press had a huge impact on the renaissance society. Number one it made the books way more cheaper which made it easier for people to learn to read. It increased knowledge by making it way more aforradable for everybody especially for the ones who was less fortunate. Also by them selling cheaper made more and more people buy them which meant more money.People didn't have to wait forever to get a book because the speed was even more better apose to having people write it out. By having a printing press people could found out more of what was happening in the world then by little newsletters or something. Children could even have schooling and it would be such an faster method that way they wouldn't have to grow up not knowing much of anything.

A modern day invention that helped our society knowledge spread was the internet the quickest way to find out iformation . the internet uses email which is a quicker way to keep in contact and to find out what going on. Sites like the news channels keep you up todate. Also sites like rossetta stone helps you learns new languages faster then ever. The internet hepls out so many even with getting jobs. the internet has been a big help to modern day society and a big help with our knowledge with one click of the mouse and millions of facts and resources pop up helping out with school projects and etc.
1 comment:
Ok. The information and details in the post are great.
Unfortunately there are a lot of errors in this post. You may want to type up your paragraphs using word first and then copy and paste it into blogger. This will catch a lot of the errors. Please make corrections and re-post for maximum points. As is 25/30 points.
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